case competition
never thought that my group can actually make it into the semi-finals for case competition (background knowledge-see below).. thought we didn't really write a fantastic proposal, at least not so good that can bring us to the semi-finals.. but well, we're in it..
saturday'll be the semi-finals, we've to present our proposed solution in front of the judges in LT16, in proper business attire.. and since i don't have any, i went to buy the whole set yesterday and today! yes, that's right! i spent money just for this case competition(ok, not really ONLY for this competition, 'cause business students'll definitely need one set for presentation next time.. but still..)
went G2000(my father most hated brand, along with U2) to get my suit.. initially wanted to get a blouse only, but the pric is too steep($60 for a blouse!!), so later on took yuan's advice, bought a bazar instead, which came along with a skirt..
yesterday after MNO(1 of my modules) meeting, rushed down to town to look for shoes.. and guess what? i broke my personal record in the time taken to buy things..haha.. i am a super indecisive person, always take hours, or most of the time, days or weeks to decide if i should buy something.. but yesterday, i spent only 1/2 hour, which is like bullet-train speed in my POV.. i rushed down to far east plaza, took an average of 5 minutes to browse through all the shoe shops (& tried on some shoes)in 1 level, after looking around for 15 minutes, i decided to go back to the very first shop i entered.. another 15 minutes later, i'm already out, with a new pair of heels in my bag.. haha.. i think i'm so cool though..
if i'm not wrong, we are actually given $100/team for those who made it into the semis.. but the thing is that i have spent much much more than that 25bucks i get.. well, well.. but at least it's better than nothing..
*if you're my group mates, please don't read this line*.. hopefully (& i think most probably) i won't get into the finals; suppose to go out with dear in the afternoon on saturday.. if get in then can't go out anymore.. 'cause finals'll be in the afternoon..
**note: case competition is a competition organised by the business school, it's held annually. basically, all the group are given a case and we are supposed to propose solutions to these case problems..they are always business-related problems(like duh..) and they did take place in reality(just that those companies would have solve it already).. for prelimary round, we were given three days, the case was on Shiseido. 12 teams emerged into the semi-finals, and we are given 2 days to solve the problems. 3 teams would be chosen to go into the finals, whereby they would have to solve the problem on the spot.. the winner would represent NUS business school in the case competition that would be held in some other countries/places..
ks's birthday
yesterday was so fun!! never regret taking a day off my studies to go out with them..haha..
we went out to celebrate ks's 19th birthday (happy birthday, ko sing!n___n)yesterday, wanted to give her a surprise, so we met 1hr beforehand and went to buy cake and made reservation in sakae sushi.. after that, we went down to the MRT station to meet her (we went in pairs, so as not to make her suspect, & guess what? we did it!!*she later confess that she couldn't tell we met before meeting her,hohohoho..*)
after meeting, we went to sentosa.. the sentosa luge and the skytrain is sooooooooooo fun! and it's relatively much MUCH cheaper than other tourists' attraction in sentosa.. $8 for 1 ride o luge and skytrain.. it's seriously worth your money!! the luge was super fun, so sad the journey was so short.. they should seriously consider making the track longer (hmmmm.. like double the distance? haha)
before taking the sentosa luge *looking stupid with helmets on*, can you tell we were really excited?the luge took us from imbiah lookout to the siloso beach.. we went to rent bicycles (those double seaters/riders?).. ph and i shared a bike.. i was riding in front and i felt so happy!!(editor's note: for the benefit of those who never ride on those type of bicycle before, the biker in front is the one doing the balancing and the paddling; the rear rider can actually just place his/her feet on the paddle and don't do anything, it'll not affect the bike in any way).. this's the very first time in my life i actually carry a passenger!! haha.. nobody can understand this sense of achievement/ satisfaction i felt then!! we ride all the way from siloso beach to tanjong beach and back.. (but when we rode back i swopped with ph, so i became the "passive" rider.. there were times when i just placed my feet on the bike and let her cycle..haha..i know it's evil, but seriously, it makes no difference whether i paddle or*evil laughter*) it's was really fun!
tanjong beach
siloso beach 1
siloso beach 2a short picture slideshow
before we return our bikesafter cycling, we went to take the skyride to go back to imbiah lookout, so as to leave sentosa, and so as to carry out the next, and the most important, part of our give ks a surprise birthday celebration!! it's really scary to take the skyride, 'cos the cart doesn't stop, so you've to really aim when you want to sit down, if not the cart may just knock you away.. and the thing is that the cart look so frail!!
, it looks like those kind of bench you see in park right? and there is only 1 cable holding onto it..when we ascended, the cart was slanted to the left 'cause they made us sit like that, so it felt like as if the cart can topple ad we'll fall if we move alot.. the worse was when we were descending, it really felt like you are playing roller coaster, but an at ultra slow speed..oh yes, the skride is very slow(i think it's for tourists to enjoy the scenery), & at some point in time, when we were almost at the highest point, the ride stopped.. it was really REALLY scary (just imagine yourself sitting on a slightly slanted bench that is only attached to a pathetic-looking cable, you are high up in the air, with your legs dangling in the air, with a friend beside you screaming..haha..)and hence, i was so stiff throughout the whole journey, my hands were gripping so tightly onto the bar my palms couldn't stop sweating(oh, and the bar's not locked, even after it's down, so means you can just push it up when you're in the air.. that's if you dare to..)ks was really calm throughout, unlike xy, who kept screaming whenever she turned back and made me grip the handle even harder.. haha..

on the skyride *we were already up in the air~*

me, with the beautiful scenery way behind (and below) me

ks, xy and moi!
after that, we went to other places (those typical tourists' attraction) and took some more photos..

say "cheese!~" with the cold, toothless(LOL?) mellion

a very (?) imitation of bollywood..bolly-bolly!~

on our way out of sentosa

drunk alice & qian, even though they didn't drink anything.. *can see we're in the background?*
after we left sentosa, we headed to sakae sushi.. hoho.. and i mus say our acting skill are not bad man.. 'cos ks couldn't tell what's in for her next!!*evil laughter..again*.. we just ate and chit chat like normal.. when the waitress served us the cake, there was only one expression on ks's face: surprised! we sang her birthday song (a must-do!) and evil xy & qian (i think alice also) made ks finish her cake using mouth only! haha.. wonder what'll happen to xy, the mastermind, on her birthday man..
after she blew the candles (didn't really do that cos' we were sitting under the air-con and it had kindly blown out about half the candles before ks actually did anything), xy took out the birthday card that we (actually i did the card, they wrote their messages, but well, it's everyone's effort after all in orgainsing her birthday celebration) have made for her!.. i'm not trying to show off here, but i really think i did a great job! don't you think it's such a cute card? haha.. at least that's what they said..

the very unique, one-of-a-kind, hand-made birthday card!!
*in casenobody can tell who i drawing, it's: xy, moi, ph, sy, qian & alice*

take a peek inside the card
*this adorable character is none other than our birthday girl, ks!*
had a real great time yesterday! the rides were great, the food was nice, the card is beautifully drawn *uh-hum!*.. and the thing that i enjoyed most was the company i had(sorry, know it sounds a bit mushy..) so happy, finally we gave ks a surprise (she knew we were celebrating her birthday, but she never expect her gift to be a nice breadtalk cake and a hand-made card), still remember what happened in j2.. haha.. mission = ACCOMPLISHED!! yeah~
realised something new has uconsciously developed in me.. recently, whenever someone upset me, the first thought that strike me was that.."i want to buy things!"
a few weeks ago, dear said something( or was it something he did? couldn't remember..) that upset me a lot.. after that, i kept wanting to buy something for myself.. i was window-shopping like crazy and tried so hard to look for something to buy.. sadly (or should i say fortunately?), i couldn't find anything i want, i didn't buy anything, and i was angry with myself..
something happened this morning and i was really upset.. i tried to forget about it when i went to meet up with ks they all.. i didn't buy anything, but i was exceptionally generous with my money today.. on my way home, i told dear about the incident in the morning, and suddenly, the impluse of wanting to buy things strike me again..but of course, i didn't buy anything as i was on the bus.. and i was upset because i could not buy anything..
i find it a bit scary.. is it something unhealthy? but the weird thing is that this impluse would stop almost immediately after the person apologise.. weird isn't it?
i think there's something wrong with my brain..
read my post on 28/5 again just now.. i have already lost count of the number of times i read that entry.. especially not long after she died.. i read it more than 5 times a day and i could never finish reading it, 'cause before i reached the end of the post, my vision was so blurred i couldn't read what is on the monitor..
time flies.. it is going to be 4 months after she died.. and guess what? i still feel very sad when i read that post.. i couldn't help it, i guess i really miss her alot.. i love her a lot more than i thought.. maybe i still can't bring myself to believe that she is gone.. or maybe, subconsciously, i feel that i am partly responsible for her death.. i was not a good owner.. that i shortened her life by at least half.. i feel guilty..
surprisingly, it has only been four months and i actually forgot some of the things i have written in that post.. i forgot she used to like me pet her and stroke her at those particular spots; i forgot how she used to run about when we shifted her back from basket to her cage; i forgot just how lovable and adorable she was; i forgot what a cute hammie she was; i forgot... ...
time heals all wounds, how ture is that.. it's only four months and i have forgotten so much about her, what will happen if it is four years later? when i am at the end of my life, wold i still remember her? i am afraid of losing her and the memories she gave me.. i have already lost her once, to the death god, i don't want to lose her again, this time to time..
i want to hold onto all the memories, not only memories of her , but the rest of my memories as well.. i don't want to let anything go and completely lose it for the rest of my life, but i know it's impossible, everyone has to move on with life and in the process, we have to give something up in order for new things to come.. how i wish i can prove this statement wrong, but i know, it's just not possible..
clinging onto every pieces of my memory..
New skin; fresh start
i was quite tired of my previous skin, so i decided to give it a change and tata! here comes the new one!
hope this new skin can give people a refreshing feeling.. at least that is what i feel when i look at it..i am quite tired of looking at black background..
took exceptionally short time to edit this skin.. maybe it is because i am getting better at it? haha..well..
univeristy life is still as busy as ever.. however, i am trying to accept this change.. hope everyone out there can do it too!
oh, i know for now, i am actually quite far from writing "soulful scribbles", still sound quite childish and stuff.. but this is one of my goals: i hope one day, my blog will sound and look mature, that i can think critically and blog in a style and tone of a 20years old..
"no dreams too high.."
university life- s.t.r.e.s.s.e.d!
i remember when i was young, many people tell me to work hard, to get into university, because once i get into uni, it's all (or maybe mostly?) fun and no(or little) work.. especially in jc, almost everyone say uni life is very slack and that jc is the toughest.. well, after personally experienced uni for slightly more than a month, i feel like looking for all those people who told me those things and show them the reality: university life can be just as stressing as jc or other phrase in life.
ok, actually i should not be blogging right now, but i can't resist the temptation, i mean it has been so long since the last time i blog, i miss my blog.. anyway, the reason why i should not be blogging right now is that i've tonnes of work to do!!!
i took the whole of today to do my financial accounting tutorial(i gave up trying to balance the account, i'll just wait for my tutor, aka the savior, tomorrow) and tomorrow night i've tuition, by the time i reach home it'll be 10 30 already.. friday i've history tutorial at 8am! after my econs tutorial i've group meeting, then i've to go for tuition, again.. on sat, make-up letcure in the morning, followed by AIESEC
and project group meeting.. and guess what? my history assignment is due next tuesday! gosh! i'm seriously running out of time!
i realised quite long ago tha the main reason why i don't have time is mainly due to one thing- tuition. currently, i am giving three tuition (6 sessions per week), which is really tiring.. i seriously believe that if i stop all these tuition at once, i'll have a lot of time and will be enjoying uni-life like most people.. but guess what? i can't stop!!(unless my clients terminate my service*something i seriosly don't wish to happen*!) i give tuition to support myself; i feel weird asking my parents for money now, especially since i've been providing for myself since december last year.. and so i'm sort of like being forced to tutor? i used to enjoy tutoring, but recently, i find it really taxing and tiring.. almost everyday i've to keep rushing here and there..
now i only have dinner at home once or twice a week, ever since uni starts, who say undergrads've more relaxed life than other students? well, some people may dine outside out of their own free will, but i'm not!! i want to have dinner at home but i can't 'cause i'm so busy!! i'm starting to struggle between school and work.. but i can't give up on either one!(if i stop tutoring, then i eat?)
all in all, i guess the above statement, uni-life is much slacker and relaxed compared to jc, is only applicable to a certain group of people.. sadly, i'm not one of those this statement is applicable to..