Thursday 20 March 2008







my first attempt

my first attempt in trying to apply for an internship-- failed

MediaCorp rejected my application, without even asking me to go for interview. *sob sob* anyone with a brain that can process emotions will know that I am upset.

I mean, am I that lousy?

but come to think about it, don't think i'll be able to perform in the interview also, so might as well.. save my time, save their time.-shrug-

just hope that i can eventually get one...

Saturday 8 March 2008

Saya tidak senang...

  1. do things that I am supposed to do | I would prefer to waste my youth away now because I have not much left now
  2. bathe | it is really a chore for me, but i hate feeling dirty, that is why you do not see flies flying around me
  3. feeling hungry | in fact, i love feeling bloated--> stuff myself with food--> feel guilty--> diet --> eat again
  4. talking | especially when i go to work, i spoke 3 sentences on the average when i work after A' Level
  5. make new friends | i don't deny that i am not friendly; unless it is necessary, i would not initiate to make friends with anyone
  6. lying | but i think i can do a brilliant job if i really want to lie
  7. bad breath | it is worse than body odour, truly detest it.
this list is to be continued.. do you know the real me?

do you really understand yourself?


  1. 做要做的事 | 因为再大一点的我就没有青春可以浪费了=(
  2. 冲凉洗头 | 可是我不喜欢肮脏的感觉,所以最后都会投降,乖乖地去冲凉
  3. 饿肚子的感觉 | 恶性循环: 吃很多--〉感到内疚--〉节食--〉受不了--〉大吃大喝
  4. 讲话 | 尤其是当我去上班的时候,记得以前公司里的人都说我很安静,因为我可以一天说少过3 句话。。。
  5. 交朋友 | 觉得没必要时,我是不会主动去交朋友或花时间去认识一个人的。
  6. 说谎 | 但如果我要的话,我应该是可以说得很好的
  7. 有口臭的人 | 比体臭更糟


Thursday 6 March 2008

i will not forget that day...

i went for tuition, helped my tutee in his Chinese composition, and i actually forgot how to write 测验!i sat there, struggled for a few minutes and in the end, i gave up; i really cannot remember how to write the word.. and i asked him to take out his dictionary...

as a tuition teacher, this is one of the biggest self-inflicted insult i have ever faced. it was much worse than not being able to explain a primary 4 problem sum to my tutee, worse than when i don't know the meaning of some primary school English vocab.. i used to be very happy with myself, for my Chinese is above average standard.. but look at me now, i can't even remember such a simple word! my Chinese is deteriorating without me knowing.. and all this while i thought it can forever maintain at the level it used to be, by just reading newspaper everyday.. seems like i was so wrong.. i was so naive..

and it is not like my English is improving inversely proportionally. i am finding it harder and harder to accurately express myself in English precisely; i end up being very long-winded because i can't find words that can properly describe my thoughts.

what will become of me?

Monday 3 March 2008

Korean drama are bad for kids

they teach children to be irresponsible in love. encourage them to be indecisive when it comes to love affairs. teach them that it is ok to fall in love with someone else when they are already attached.

you may say they are only drama that tries to romancitise love and helps people to escape from reality. i agree, i love watching korean drama too, because they are so unrealistic.

but what we see on the TV now may become the reality in future. sooner or later people will think that it is alright to be unhygienic in their love lives; we will then see many Romeos around.


i believe that in a relationship, there is no such thing as "third party": if you are no longer loved, then it is better to let go than to cling onto it. the party that refuses to leave is the real "third party" in that relationship. but i also believe that everyone should be responsible for every relationship that they enter and they should always try their best to prevent "third party" from being created.

love is not a game; it is a commitment.