shop, shop, shop, shop 'till i drop!
got myself a new toy today. it is not a soft toy, not mp3, not mobile.. it is..*drum roll*..

isn't my new toy pretty?haha..
but of course this is not the only thing i bought today.. heh.. i bought a bag and a pair of pumps!!
i have spent so much money in this year's GSS!! my pocket is burnt!!
no more excuse not to work.. yuk! continue working until the very last day!! hang on!!if not i will never be able to cover up all these money that i have spent!!
now i have got 《一公升的眼泪》 and 《华丽家族》these two great drama. i shall not need to worry about the days when i am jobless anymore; for these two shows and some tuition assignments here and there will definitely help my days pass faster.
excited and nervous about the new semester.
have not been resting well for the past few weeks. and as a result? getting up late everyday since beginning of this week.
this job is finally coming to an end. one part of me feel relieved because my body is longing for a break;
the rest of me is getting worried because
not working = idling at home = wasting my precious holiday = opportunity cost forgone
i do not want that to happen. but they are moving to aljunied and it is so far from my house!
it's all about 鱼 and 熊掌.
i am so sick of my job!
i was warned today: if i do not receive 8 replies today, i may be the next person they will sack after Brandon.
even though 10 other people besides myself received the same warning, the idea of "everyone else is in the same boat as me" was not at all comforting.
why do they have to resort to such mean? threats? that's one of the items on my most hated list. whenever people threaten me, i
snapped, and that is exactly what happened.
i sms a customer, and told another one verbally, this:
good morning, Mr xxx. I'm really sorry to disturb you again but can you please fax the document to me? my supervisor is going to sack me if i cannot get your fax. please help me keep this job sir. i will be really grateful for your help.and guess what? both were indifferent.
i can't believe how cold-blooded they were. all they need to do was to take 1 minute out and fax me their form. by doing so, they can help a stranger secures her job. and yet, 他们连那一分钟也不肯施舍给我。
what is the point for me to continue then? it won't make a difference whether we call them or not,
these unsympathetic ass.
and they are the
so-called "products of Singapore": those that grew up in the same country as my generation, those that went through the same education system as myself, and those that are what i am supposed to end up being like after i enter the workforce.
and gosh,
i am disgusted.
please tell me what am i suppose to do with other people when my dear boss has not even bothered to reply me 2 weeks after i have last called him?
why don't the management get their
damn butts on our chairs and try for a day how difficult it was to get people to fax their income document back?
i will
kow-tow to them if they can get more than 8 replies for consecutive 3 days (this is the warning they have given us: 3 days, 8 responses each; if not, out you go)
stop using numbers to pressurise us, ok?
a stupid job
$20 for 8 hours of labour-intensive work which requires me to endure:
1) the hot, glaring sun
2) inconvienence of travelling to such an
ulu place
3) unwanted noise pollution (and potential damage to my hearing)
4) highly probable physical contact with people who are sweaty and sticky
5) be in a place where i don't belong and wish i was never there
6) sell something that i would never want to lay my hands on
7) possible molestation
is definitely a no-no for me. come on, i cannot be holding an umbrella whole day, and i believe even sunscreen that is SPF100++ will not be able to shield all the harmful UV ray from my skin.
and the commission is only 20 cents per bottle. what did he take us for? some primary school kids?
i can do maths better than him self.
i know how much he can earn from this stupid soccer match.
and i am not stupid enough to be working for him.
if anyone's looking for cheap labour, please, don't come knocking on my door.
i am
both my lunch and dinner date are postponed and that made me really demoralised, did not have the motivation to work at all for the whole morning, up 'till the point when stupid me called my boss up without realising it.
i have a beautiful (or so i hope) weekend for me to look forward to.
my toe is (kind of) killing me. the agony of cleaning it every night before i sleep, the pain that comes along every time after i clean, and i am worried about when my nail is going to drop, or rather, why is my nail not dropping, constantly.
so much trouble!
should have pull it out that time. (but my toe will be super bloody and disgusting)
please do not let me suffer anymore. drop painlessly please!
went fish & co. with my colleagues today for dinner. realised their caesar salad with smoked salmon is good, and their hot fudge with ice cream is tasty! sadly i did not take any photo tonight, but can always check out yuan's website, i think she'll upload some photos after she has edited them.
looking forward to my lunch and dinner date tomorrow!(o^-^o)
i will never forget.
still remember when i was 5, i accidentally knocked into a woman when i was playing with my brother and i broke her toe nail. i can still see her red nail polish colour blended "perfectly" with the blood that was flowing out underneath her toe nail; i can still remember that horrified and petrified face of hers vividly, as if it only took place yesterday. what happened after that was, i ran away, without a word of apology. i just ran away, out of panic and guilt. and because of that, i was, and still am, guilt-stricken. 15 years after the incident had took place, i still cannot forgive myself for doing something so cowardly, to run away after i have knocked into her. i believe if i have apologised and let her and/or my parents punished me, i would not feel so bad about myself.
and yesterday, my retribution finally came. my left toe nail is off.
sh accidentally knocked my toe and
ta-ta, the nail is detached from my toe, just like that.
went to a 24-hour clinic and the doctor referred me to Tan Tock Seng hospital. i was considered as a severe case 'cause i was able to see the doctor almost immediately and yet i spent around 2 hours in TTSH. (so anyone can imagine how long you have to wait there if your case is considered as "minor"). in the end, i chose not to remove my nail and let it drop by itself; i was too traumatise to let the doctors remove my nail then (but now i kind of wish that i had it removed yesterday, save all the trouble).
i will be
toe-nail-less for at least 2 months i think. and i will have to wake up a lot earlier everyday because i cannot walk "normally" and need a lot more time to reach office.
no more pretty heels or sandals or slippers for me until then.
当 (1) + (2) + (3) = 十二分磨人。
accientally banged my knee against the office table on friday, a small bruise surfaced. after repetitve hits and bangs on that exact same spot in these two days --> the bruise has become thrice the original size, and looks like another blow will burst the skin.
first day of work
i really dislike talking on the phone, and i dislike pushing strangers to do something that they are unwilling, hence, i really REALLY dislike talking to strangers on the phone, asking them to send their information over.
it is so tiring to call different people but tell them the exact same thing.
but i will hang on, until the day they do not want me anymore. all for the sake of money.
as promised, m1 really sent me a new sim card yesterday, by courier. i am impressed by their efficiency.
start of the vicious cycle is coming again. hang on!