bad luck
bad, bad luck.
seems like my bad luck with gadgets is back, once again.
this time round, it is my DS!!
my poor DS.. suddenly i could not switch it on.. and i was playing with it happily just a few hours ago..
i have bought my DS with a 3 months warranty but i cannot send it for repair because i did not send my warranty card.
really hope that there is nothing wrong with my DS..
keeping my fingers (and toes!) real cross..
what have i been doing?
wow! 3 days have passed since the last time i blog!
wonder what i have been doing for these few days
wanted to blog about something i saw, but i am too... *yawn*..
was like this ever since i came back from chalet..everyday sleep for 8 hours still feel like i am lack of sleep..
*wow! all my sentences started with "W", this one included :P*
04S13 chalet
even though i really dislike this word and i really really don't want to use it, I AM SHAGGED.
sleeping from 5 to 9am was not that helpful. in fact, i felt more tired after i woke up.
and i am drifting off now................................................
goodnight everyone.
super niao-ster
it is mine.
i have every right to claim it.
even though i tried to cheat, but in the end, i still got it, without using any underhand manner.
so why can't i get it?
niao-ster.cannot even give me that pathetic $2.
seems like my luck in work is not getting any better.
i am so mad now!!!!!!
to that someone who means the world to me,

Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.
a quote i got from my ex-school forum.
在大人的世界里,不管你用什么卑鄙无耻的手段, 只要你能交出成绩,他们都会包庇你、爱戴你、保护你;爸爸妈妈学校老师教的“礼德廉耻”那一大堆大道理根本就是 not applicable, 每个人一长大毕业后就把那一大堆沉重的包袱丢了。
“你做不到,那真是对不起。不是我不要你,使你自己跟不上这个社会。我们要的不是正直的人,我们要的是能 produce results 的员工。you go by the book, but you cannot give us anything promising, so why should we waste our money on someone as unproductive like you?"
还有大概 3 个月我就会 join their league 了。我真的会变成这样的人吗?is it inevitable?
so not looking forward to my working life. it will suck.
unemployed once again
today, i was sacked.
ironically, my luck at work is supposed to be good today, at least that is what i saw in the newspaper.
was not very upset actually, just a bit disappointed and surprised. but i am just very angry that they only informed me to leave a few minutes before 11am (after 11am they have to pay me i think, that's why they do that). i mean like if you were thinking of firing me along, then why didn't you tell me so early in the morning, like when i just reach office?
they are happy because they have exploited me; i am upset because i have given them 2 hours of free labour.
i shouldered all the responsibility, which, i reality, is not that case. i admit i was being greedy (if i did not want to get that money, nobody can force me to do it), but i am not the only to blame. however, i shouldered everything.
i am not trying to be a hero, i just thought since it is inevitable for me to get fired, why drag others down? i don't think i willl be happy if others lose their jobs together with me.
however, this will be the first time, and the very last time i do something so "heroic". because i am going to become an adult, and there is no such thing as 义气 and 两肋插刀 in their vocabulary; only fools will do that. it's sad but is true.
i shall work hard giving tuition from now on, for that becomes my only source of income!
basic theory test
I FAILED MY BASIC THEORY sad but it is true.
i thought i knew all the things that i need to know, but i was WRONG.
my next test date is in september. i will difinitely mug for it this time, for i no longer want to pay another cent for basic theory test!
today didn't go to work because i was too upset with myself for not being able to get up and go jogging. ironically, i went back to sleep after that.
but it was a nice break, for i am feeling very demoralised in office and i really need a break like this to recharge myself.
i hate adults, even though i am going to be one officially in less than half a year's time.
they see that we are earning too much and so they changed the rule. how can they do this?
initially, they were the ones who told us not to feel discouraged about not hitting target at all because we were actually building up our "pool of responses" and later on we will be able to "harvest" the effort that we have put in. now that we are "harvesting", they took them away.
it is just like you are running in a 100m race, you are leading. when you are about to cross the finishing line, the organiser suddenly change the race to 1400m. ridiculous?
and now, i am like a loanshark+ beggar, pestering all those kind souls who told me they will reply. and i have to push people to reply us via fax. come on, who uses fax machines nowadays? do they think fax machines are available and extremely accessible to everybody?
i hate myself for chasing and pushing and begging. i really dislike my job, it is no longer the job that i had started off with.
luckily tomorrow is friday and weekend is coming. next week i will be working only half a week because i think i have had enough of work and it is time for me to start enjoying the last bit of my summer holiday.
刚刚看完《华丽一族》最后一集,my gosh!我妈跟我哭到。。
this show is definitely not a romance, but it touches me, maybe because this show is about a son who was trying very hard to win his father's affection but sadly he only managed to get it after he has exchanged for it with his life.
i can understand this feeling.
you are always trying to prove yourself to that someone, so that he or she will eventually come to recognise the effort you have put in; you push yourself to the limit so that that someone will give you the love and attention that you yearned for.
it is so sad that when some people take the love and concern they received for granted, there are many others out there working real hard just for that little bit of love or recognition.
treasure whatever you have now, people.
yes, my dear, i know what you are thinking, i will definitely treasure you that i have completed this drama, and the movie that cannot be watched, the one which my brother had kindly helped me record, being stroke off from my list, i now have THREE more drama series to watch before school reopens.
somebody birthday is coming!(o^-^o)
another nickname
i cannot believe it, but it is true: Mr. Won actually told me he agreed with whatever i have said in my previous post regarding the nickname thingy.
so you really think i am petty?very well then.
and he told me i should add something to my nickname. so with his help, i have come up with a new nickname for myself:

yup, he told me this sounds more like a nickname for me.
i know it sounds a little wordy, but that is my purpose.
i have not been sleeping well since i don't know when. my head feels giddy everyday, and it gets worse after all the calls that i have made in office.
but what to do? i can't possibly be sitting there and literally stare at the ceiling, and so, i kept calling, and calling, to kill time.
anyone wondering what i am doing blogging at home at this hour? my student changed tuition time at the very last minute. since i have told my supervisor i will be leaving early, i just left anyway. and here i am, seated comfortably at home, blogging.
supposed to see doctor now but.. i am lazy to get my ass out of the door. besides, seeing doctor is expensive, especially for a PR like me. that's one main reason why i want to be a citizen.
i will definitely get a checkup on my gastric after i have become Singaporean. as for now, i will just E.N.D.U.R.E.
没有人关心的感觉是十分孤独的。i hate it.
arh! shan't talk about it anymore. this topic makes me feel ill.
i love spaghetti!!
世界上没有东西会比妈妈煮的菜好吃。i really mean it.
oh, 我真幸福!(o^-^o)
the sky is blue and bright today.
how i wish my mood was as bright as the sky.
yes, i am still feeling blue, even though it was not as bad as yesterday, it is still bad.
Daily Horoscope for Scorpio
Being more willing to go along with someone else's agenda today doesn't mean that you are without your own limits. You may be pushed into an emotional confrontation if you feel that anyone is taking unfair advantage of your flexibility. Instead of blaming others for their shortcomings, focus on how you feel rather than what they did or didn't do. This strategy allows for the best possible outcome.hmmm.. so what am i suppose to do?
just thought of a new nickname for myself:
*bet dear will raise both arms up in the air, (his legs too, if it's possible) wave, and cheer loudly for my self-realisation-- yes! you finally acknowledge it!*
Little Miss Petty.or maybe just Miss Petty will do, i am not that "little" anyway.
added a new track on my playlist. this song has been singing in my head for the whole day, and i don't think i will be able to sleep without settling this "problem" first and set my mind at ease.
sigh.. when will i see a ray of sunshine again?
don't feel like talking about anything today. maybe next time.
sometimes action speaks louder than words, but most of the time it doesn't.- by, me.
a very random post
thank you so much for being my friend.
ya right.seems like what i have said earlier on was really true: 我为人人,不代表人人为我。yuk ching, why can't you just learn from your "mistake" and be smarter?
it doesn't pay to be nice.
and since being caring and understanding do not benefit me in any way or change anything, why should i continue to behave in that manner?
yes! i shall not be nice to anyone anymore, of course except those that has always been showering me with their care and concern. you guys know who you are, sometimes things do not have to be spell out so explicitly.
i would like to apologise to those "innocent" ones who had received cold shoulder from me.
even though i believe you will never see this post. i cannot be nice to you guys and cold towards the others, that would be too obvious.
too bad, so sad.
cruelty to animals
saw something really disgusting on news just now and i found a soft copy on
台“阴阳活鱼”菜肴 被批残忍野蛮 (台北讯)台湾嘉义市一家餐厅推出引自大陆的“阴阳活鱼”菜肴,
i was really grossed out when i saw this news. and guess what? the people looked so excited when they were eating the fish -- this is the thing that really made me feel so disgusted.
i hate people who are environmentally unfriendly and waste resources, they are on the top of my list. and guess who comes in second?
yes, those who are cruel to animals.
i am not a vegetarian. i do eat meat like everyone else and i am fine with that because i believe that is a part of the food chain. you know, all other animals survive by consuming some other animals, it is a natural cycle and basic survival instinct.
however, if people are killing lives for their own pleasure and enjoyment, that's really sickening.
just imagine if you are the fish, people deep-fried your body when you're wide awake and conscious of your surrounding, and that is not all, you can see people taking parts and pieces of your body and put your deep-fried flesh into their mouths. isn't that really gruesome?
and yes, that is exactly what those people are doing to those poor fish.
what wrong have they done in their lives to suffer torture like this?
don't anyone think that this sounds like one of those scenes in "Hannibal"?
if they want to enjoy a good meal, they can always eat the fish in a conventional way, which is to kill the fish first before doing anything else. at least that poor fish will not know what has become of its body since it's already dead and it does not have to witness its own "funeral".
stop cruelty to animals!
end of month self-reflection
i really cannot believe my eyes. or rather, i cannot believe i have such a strong spending desire.
just finished doing my accounts for the month of june. and gosh! i did spend more than what i have earned in june! cannot believe it man.. i worked for one whole month and i did not manage to save a single cent, instead, i actually spent some of my savings away!
even though dear said it is ok because i have used my money to "exchange" for things that i want (like my DS!), i am still upset with myself.
DS was the thing i spent most on, and guess what is the second thing?
answer: food!
i think i went crazy or something. if i am not wrong, i went to dine in restaurants for like at least once a week, and i was the one paying.
*tsk tsk*.. totally unbelievable..
got my hair cut this afternoon. i thought this new haircut is alright (there is nothing i can do even if i find it not alright, so must well just console myself and convince myself it is not that bad), but my mum and brother said it is very weird.
well, it is..erm.. very trendy and
IN so maybe it looks kind of..erm..
waiting for my hair to grow back, desperately.
what the hell?!
i "abandoned" my colleagues yesterday and went to meet my mum instead after work. i treated her lunch and a movie in the new Cathy cinema in
AMK hub. (yeah, it is called the A-M-K hub, not
Ang Mo
Kio Hub, even though i don't see where is the difference)
anyway, i guess my luck was kind of down yesterday because
you know what? i waited for 20 minutes in the queue to get a pair of Transformers tickets. and the reason being?
hand-written movie ticket. cool eh?apparently, their system was down when i was so happened to be in the queue. therefore, they could not issue computerized ticket and have to hand write instead.
so spastic right?
the other part of the ticket actually wrote "free seating". unfortunately, they were "taken back".
because it is free seating, my mum and i did not have a proper lunch because we assumed everyone watching that show would have free seating tickets like us and she doesn't want to go in late and end up sitting right in front or just beside the speakers.
and so we waited, and waited.
we stood outside for like half an hour before we were allowed to go in. they only allowed people to enter the theatre like 5 minutes before the showtime, which i think it's really ridiculous.
however, this is not all. the most
cock thing happened after my mum and i entered the theatre.
like what i have mentioned, my mum and i assumed that everyone watching that show would have bought "free-seating" tickets like us, and so we were really happy when we managed to get the 2 best seats in the theatre. but we were chased off.
yes, we were being chased off.
apparently, their system was restored after we have bought our tickets and they started to allow people to strike seats again and this couple who chased us off bought their tickets later than us.
i was extremely
pissed off.
i mean,
c'mon. if anyone were in my shoes, won't you get pissed off too? queued for 20 minutes for a pair of "free seating" tickets, missed my lunch because of that and now, being chased off by people who have bought their tickets LATER than me.
if their system was not down, i could have taken those seats already.
and guess what their people said when i complained to them?
"miss, i hope you'll understand and cooperate by moving around."so they expect my mum and i to move around the theatre like some refugees whenever people come in and claim their seats?!
that is so ridiculous!!!!
in the end, he went to check for all the available seats and told us to move to the 2 seats just next to the aisle.
those seats are not that ideal, however, my mum and i were
OK with it and we still enjoyed the show.
transformers are so cool! i finished the movie with my jaws half dropped.
dear is going to watched transformers with my brother.