tutorial just started this week, and really, i am
worn out.
having lessons at 8am on 3days and 9am on the other 2days is not fun at all (i have to get up at 5+ and rush like crazy in order to be on-time for lessons), especially if you have to work after school.
giving tuition is supposed to be fun, at least for me. i love teaching; i love the feeling when i know my tutees understand the concepts i try to explain and i can help them clear their doubts. but now, i am not so sure if it's that enjoyable for me after all.
starting from 2007, i feel very reluctant to go for tuition; my motivation to go for every session is no longer the things i stated above, instead, it is the money.
yes, money is a good driver, but i feel empty inside.
maybe i am not that money-faced after all; maybe i like money because it can fulfill my desire for material goods and satisfaction, but i do not want to continue chasing after money for the rest of my life.
am i taking the wrong course then? i can't imagine myself counting money for the rest of my life. yes, being an accountant is prestigious, it is in great demand, i can earn big money, but i don't think this is what i am really after.
i want to inspire others; i want to give knowledge to others; i want to nurture others so that they will be useful in the society.
灵魂的工程师, what a nice name. but do i have what it takes?
maybe time will tell.
for now, let me concentrate on my stuides first.
do tutorials!
it is a fact: 人都是自私的。
但是,至少在self-interest后,我还会想到别人,不像很多很多其他人,当自己的interest is taken care of, 便不管别人的死活。
尤其是151上的那些!#%?@$*, 他们是这个国家的未来; 是这个社会将来的栋梁;是我们下一代的榜样,但是,他们够资格吗?
move into the rear, is it that difficult and painful for you to move one step inwards?
by just taking 1 step, those poor fellow would not have to stand on the steps, which can really be dangerous;
by moving just 1 step closer to the guy/girl standing next to you, more people would be able to aboard the bus;
that step, may be able to help that poor fellow out there at the bus stop from being late for lecture/tutorial.
if you were him/her, you would wish that those on the bus would help you right?
then why aren't you taking that step?
sigh. so disappointing.
the future looks gloomy.
i am ill,
again. i have seriously lost count, but i know, for sure, the number of times i am ill ever since i enter NUS (I am only an undergraduate for 5 months) is definitely more the sum of me getting ill in my previous 18 years of life.
why is this happening?
yesterday rushed like mad for tuition, was almost running to the bus stop. in the end, i was stuck there for almost 1/2 hour because 3 bus963 was too
packed to let anymore passengers aboard. but if you look carefully, you will see that actually there is a lot of space at the back of the bus; those passengers are just too lazy, and are unwilling to move in.
how considerate people can be.
a gracious society?
wait long long!the guy who was sitting beside me on the bus yesterday jumped up once i coughed, like once. i think he wanted to move away until he realised there wasn't any space for him to move, and so, he sat down, beside me, unwillingly, i suppose. and guess what he did after that? he used newspaper to block me! opened his mewspaper and used it like a partition. haha.
but doesn't he know that germs like flu is spread through air? no matter how he used newspaper to "block", the germs will still reach him. as for whether he will get ill, it all depends on his immune system. mine was weak, and that is why i am in such a sorry state now.
didn't he learn that in school?lol.
how cute some aunty and uncle can be.
环境局人员食阁禁烟区执法 被罚烟客:我才不管! 2007-01-17
对于禁烟法令,他认为“这是个愚蠢的禁令。”... ...
*p.s. 我的舅舅从来不抽烟,可是他的了鼻咽癌,就是因为在台湾,德士里是没有禁烟的,身为德士司机,他每天都在车上吸入不少的二手烟。。

went science centre on sat as dear managed to get complementary ticket for science centre from it was quite fun, but well, to me, anything is fun as long as i have the
right company.
iFuture kind of suck as a lot of their facilities were either down for maintainence, or they were not functioning properly. and it was not as fun as the way they protrayed it from the advertisment.
after lunch, we went back in and went to another exhitbition hall called iSpace, thought it had got something to do with space science and technology, in the end, it isn't.
iSpace was more fun because they actually gave us this tag once after registered, it could be used in the exhitibition. iSpace was more fun as more facilities were in working order, and the games there were really high-tech. it was so cool.
totally forgot there was a cca meeting in school at that time. well, sometimes having fun really helped you to forget your unhappiness/ work/ obligation.
lesson learnt from this trip to science centre: never go for exhibition
after the peak period.
最好还是让时间来do the job.
bites all over.
is my blood that sweet?
my ex-secondary school principal actually became my ex-junior college principal, after i graduate from tpjc.
can't believe it. lol.
it is a great healer; it is a great killer as well.
time can heal all wounds, or rather, it can bland people's feelings, make them feel numb. it can also wash away other things, cause erosion in your thoughts and feelings; cause one to lose one's feeling.
in another word, time desensitises.(ms. koh loves this word)
slowly but surely, time eats our memories, our feelings away.
love, hatred, sadness, etc. they just don't matter anymore, do they?
feeling so blue, seems like something is gone in our lives.
what is it?
went the new NTUC with my mum on monday. honestly, i am disappointed with it. it's only big in scale, and lacks in everything else: no style, no variety, not much fresh food. and to think fresh food plays a very important role in healthy lifestyle.
saw a rainbow on my way back home. was very excited and happy as it has been a long time since i last saw one. if i am not wrong, the last time i saw a rainbow was in J1, and it was much smaller and fainter than this.
maybe you will think that i am silly, getting so excited over a rainbow. but i have never seen one like this in my 20 years of life.
why can't i be excited about it?but i know, this excitement will fade off, just like everything else.

took a few shots using my camera phone. the quality is not that good, but i am not a professional photographer in the first place.
evalutaion of last year resolution
well, i just realised i did make new year resolution last year..haha..forgot about it like in less than a month after i made it? guess it's time for me to evaluate it and see, if by any chance, i accomplished anything.
my 2006 new year resolutionThings i can work on..-find a new job with much higher pay--> accomplished!
-take time off 2 exercise--> only started exercising when my holiday start? that's eeaerly
-be more optimistic--> i think this is beyond my control, so..
-dun get cheat again 4 my next job--> i didn't!=)
-solve my skin problem(it's been very long)--> i solved it.. and then it came back.. sad case, i know..
-be a better person in year 2006--> i hope i have accomplished this, but not sure..
-learn how 2 cook as good as my mum--> didn't even have time to have dinner at home, let alone learn how to cook
-lose weight & reach my target weight (not reviewing it here)--> lost 1.5 +/- 0.5kg standard deviation, but it's not my target weight yet..
-complain lesser--> i think i did, but someone doesn't think so
-pay more attention & spend more time wif sh--> i did, especially after holiday starts
Wish i hope can come true..+get a copy of my payslip & manage 2 sue my current employer--> not accomplished!=(
+get into local uni, NUS or NTU(business school)--> i did!=)
+my next employers wun cheat me again-->it came true!
+sh can get into ocs(i know he really wants 2 get in ere)-->he didn't, but he doesn't want also..
+my mum's health can improve--> not sure, but at least it's around the same
+my bro'll pass his end of year with flying colours--> he passed, but not flying's beyond my control..
+it'll be a better year this year--> i think overall, it's almost the same as 2005, but well, i should be contented with what i have..
a new year; a new hope
that was my (?) attempt to translate 新的一年新希望.. haha..
hardly make new year resolution, but this year, i shall make one, so that i will have something to work towards to.
my new year resolution:
-lower my BMI by 1.
-have a blanaced diet; 2 servings of fruits and vegetables a day!
-arrange time for exercise every week
-hopefully, get to learn yoga
-sleep before 11 30pm every night; no more night owl. *tonight shall be the exception ;P*
-spend my time more wisely--> make a timetable and stick to it!
-be consistent in my studies (last minute work just doesn't work anymore)
-improved my CAP!*shan't disclose my CAP here to prevent some
kay-po people from giving me stupid, useless comments like, "
wow! you never study is it?"
-save money. hopefully by end of next year i would have at least doubled of the amount i currently have in my bank account
-stay self-sufficient until the end of 2007
be a better person: more understanding, throw less tantrum, show less attitude, etc.
-always put myself in others' shoes before doing/saying anything
hope i'll have the determination to stick to this all the way until end of 2007. haha.
happy new year!(o^-^o)