Saturday, 15 November 2008

this is ridiculous

i am in my room now.. unwillingly.. i am being locked up..

was mopping the floor.. the wind blew.. my room door slammed.. and when i tried to open it.. i can't.. my brother tried to open from the outside, with keys.. also can't open it..

apparently the lock spoils.. that thing at the side (which keeps your door closed) won't retireve when i turn the knob..

now my mum's back & i heard her laughing.. great.. i feel so dumb now..

really feel like a dumba*s..

Friday, 14 November 2008

i feel at peace. =)

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

I wish I..

  1. can age gracefully.
  2. will feel comfortable just being myself.
  3. come to terms with aging.
However, let me enjoy my youth for now... pardon me for my immaturity and the thought of wanting to appear youthful. I will learn to accept all those mention above when the time is right.

One pressing wish for now though:
Let me do well for my Law!
not asking for too much.. just good enough to not pull my already miserable CAP down further will do..

Sunday, 2 November 2008


or at least I think I am..

I did nothing but projects today! did industry analysis for beer market in Singapore this morning.. after lunch went back to face my lovely laptop and drilled myself to look at the features of qualifying deductions for tax.. after dinner came back to my lovely room again and started editing the presentation for tax.. now my butt hurts.. *ouch!*

was supposed to go for a meeting today but I played truant at the last minute because I was too late.. the beer report gave me a lot of headache..

went to have my favourite ice kachang in Yio Chu Kang today.. feel so satisfied.. just 1 bowl of ice kachang can make me feel rewarded.. i'm easily satisfiable..haha..

realised I have 2 presentations this coming week.. haha.. this week is packed to the brim! :D

trade-off for "no exam"..