what i ate for these 2 days:
- breakfast-- fried egg, sausage, grapes, milk, 1 slice of bread
- lunch-- McNuggets value meal
- dinner-- home-cooked food, anlene yogurt drink
- breakfast-- grapes, 2.5 buns, milk
- lunch-- a lot of garlic bread, 3 slices of pizza (1 hawaiian + 2 meat lovers)
- dinner-- korean bibum (石锅拌饭)i think the portion is huge enough for 2 girls with normal appetite; i finished everything myself, half a piece of salmon, anlene yogurt drink
my stomach is turning into a black hole.. maybe this is because i am "dying" and turning into a red-giant/super red giant/or even white dwarf.
lol. wonder how many will understand what i am talking about.
super fascinating!

took this from sh's blog.. this is super amazing!!
apparently, if one sees the girl turning clockwise, one is more of a right-brained person; if it's the other way (i.e. anti-clockwise), one is more of a left-brained person.
i kept seeing her turning anti-clockwise until just now.. i actually saw her changing direction!!!
gosh! i will never talk about religion on my blog again!
just after i wrote something about religion and God yesterday.. today, i met some "crazy" woman on the bus!
on my way for tuition, sat beside this lady, think she was on her way to work, suddenly tap on my shoulder and asked if i can understand Chinese, took out a piece of leaflet from her handbag, guess what?
yes! it is about some church and its upcoming activities!!!
gosh.. i was so darn
pissed off, almost
pissed to the core.. come on, do they have to spread the "God's word" even on their way to work?! it is like they are actually bothered to carry those leaflets in their bags and carry with them 24/7?! and they can just spread their "God's word" randomly to anyone they see, and it is not like today is Christmas or Easter Sunday or Good Friday or any special occasion; it is just an ordinary day!!!
i take my hat off to their
hard-core-ness, but please,
STOP BUGGING ME!for God's sake, i go to Guanyin temple at least twice a year to pay my respect, and i have a Guanyin pendant on my neck 24/7..
these people have been bugging me ever since i was a kid in primary school: in school, out shopping, outing with friends, at home, etc.
still remember there was this time i helped this old lady carry her groceries to her doorstep, and guess what? on our way to her house, she kept telling me how great and powerful Jesus Christ is and that everyone should believe in him..
blah, blah, blah.. and as a show of appreciation and gratitude, she asked for my number so that she could call me when her church has any activities in future! i was so freaked out i never helped stranger again..
i have had enough!
yuan can cook's birthday
today is my beloved brother's 19th birthday:
this was his reaction when he first saw the cake

interesting reaction? look at what we bought for him..

a birthday cake with spider man and piggy (hidden behind the "happy birthday")! it is called "cartoon star"!

super LOL right?
Mother Teresa said..
" We need to find God, and he cannot be found in noise and restlessness. God is a friend of silence. see how nature - trees, flowers, grass - grows in silence; see the stars, the moon and the sun, how they move in silence.. We need silence to be able to touch souls."
the more i study about the Universe, the more i believe in the existence of God; everything does not happen due to coincidences; there must be someone, something out there that created us. what an irony: the more science tries to explain things and happenings, the more puzzled we become. [this paragraph sounds familiar :-p]
i am not saying that believing in God means believing in Christianity or Buddhisms, i just believe that there must be a mysterious figure high above, controlling and making things happen, like the way it did 14 billion years ago.
maybe i have grown up a little.
legend of zelda: phantom hourglass

the best game i have ever played on ds so far.. this game is extremely addictive..love it!
i even changed my music to zelda theme song.. heh.. even listening to its theme song makes my muscle tickling in excitement.
those who owe ds should try this game man! legend of zelda utilizes all the special features of ds, the graphic is of superb quality
compared to other ds games of course.. and the music is great!
i hardly turn on music when i play zelda because the sound effect really enhance my gaming experience! i think zelda is not as fun if one turns the sound and music off..actually i am really not good in writing game review, so
erm.. haha, please try the game yourself!
i really think that this game makes my purchase of nintendo ds lite worthwhile; if i have bought PSP i would not be able to enjoy such a great game!
4 thumbs up!(o^-^o)
this is the latest stuck-in-my-head song.
was super desperate to get this track on my blog.
(i am quit tired of the previous song; listen until can memorize the whole song already) and freaking imeem.com does not have the full version
(only a 30 second trial which is like -__-"). super desperate until i was actually thinking of buying the album
(i know, so extreme right?).. and suddenly, youtube came to my mind!
sorry, i cannot get the video to start automatically, so please click on that tiny "play" button.
think it looks kind of dumb to have a video clip there but what to do?
thy shall not steal intellectual properties.
压力太大?还是情绪不好?或者是因为天气?ha ha..这几天的天气反复无常,有可能因为这样而使我心情烦躁,所以以吃东西出气..?
a forgotten nickname
i was once known as
flunky applepants..
wonder what that means.. think i prefer
miss meanie..
but i guess it is better than names like
poopsie chickenpants or
boobie wafflehead..
so young and innocent then =)
was thinking real hard last night when i reached home and tried so hard to recall any happy moment yesterday but sadly, i found none. funny things did happened but it is more of like 苦中作乐.. you will see what i mean:
i had my finance mid-term in the morning (8 30am!!) . It really suck a big time 'cause i did not know how to do as i did not have time to practice at all. i only managed to finish revising at 6am on yesterday morning.
after the paper, i had project meeting in school, was reading about Sony and the company history until my eyes could drop out. only had my lunch at 3pm in Clementi Mac. After which, project meeting continued.. and it went on all the way until
11 25pm!!!
okay, there were two project meetings, but i was with the same people along. for the second project, van and i were supposed to proof read the whole report (which is like 15 pages long?). To out utmost horror and disgust, we found out that one of our group mates actually plagiarized and more than 90% of her part was lifted from some sources. obviously, we were outraged. to think she was actually the one who hinted that van & i wrote too little for our very first draft.
what kind of future leaders of the society are we nurturing?
super disgusted.
reached home past midnight with a growling stomach, cooked instant noodle, went to do some more project stuff, drafted my email (i was very clam when i wrote that, never point fingers at others, does not even sarcastic), added this extra part in as a warning to her:
Before I end this email, I would like to share this piece of information with everyone:
The University takes a serious view of plagiarism. Any student found to have committed or aided and abetted the offense of plagiarism may be subject to disciplinary actions in accordance with the Section 3 (L) of Statute 06 (Discipline) of the National University of Singapore, which include:
a.. the student may receive no mark/grade for the relevant academic assignment, project, or thesis; and he/she may fail or be denied a grade for the relevant subject or module
b.. withdrawal and/or suspension of the right to follow courses of instruction or attend examinations;
c.. expulsion from the University
see you guys soon!
finally, this is a photo of my 战利品 last week:

cool huh?
the 3 funny things (or so i thought) that happened yesterday:
- realized the new green top(above, on the right) i bought is exactly the same as a top yuan has, but hers is blue, mine is green.
- told maria that i was the only one laughing in the cinema when i watched "the Simpsons" 3 times on 3 different occasions.
- yuan went crazy in mac after she saw her parents and...
shopping spree! part II..*huh?!*
yes, that is right! my shopping mood is back again! ever since GSS in June, i haven't spent so much money on shopping!
this is what i bought in 2 hours in causeway point (when i was waiting for tuition to start):
esprit top x 2 $89.90
Charles & Keith bag $39.90
hence, i spent a grand total of more than $200 in less than 3 hours! to think that i need to give more than 8hours of tuition before i can earn this much.. and, and, and, all the things i bought are "exceptional items", meaning, they are not on my wish-list; i bought them on impulse. :p
however, i am not quite done yet! *evil laughter* planning to buy another pair of Everlast shoes.. trying very hard to stop myself, because if i keep buying things in Singapore, i won't be able to find any excuse to buy things in Hong Kong!!
sadly, i cannot use the things i bought yet because my dad is still in Singapore, my mum asked me to keep all the stuff to prevent my dad from scolding me for being spendthrift. :p
hear this on radio today and i felt very sad out of a sudden:
you have to love yourself first before you can love othersmaybe this is the reason why i failed.
i should listen to yuan from now on and recall 3 happy things that happened today:
- had arts yong tau hu for lunch and the queue was very short.
- satisfied my craving for ya kun butter sugar toast
- bought so many things, as a result, i was in a very, very happy mood when i went for tuition, and 1 1/2 hour flew passed.
yuk ching, be happy! love myself more!
shopping spree! & other stuff
today i spent more than 70 bucks in school
bazaar!!! bought a bag, 2 tops and 1 necklace.
think i am really crazy man. spent away the money i earned by giving 3 hours in less than an hour.. -_-"
got my my finance paper.. surprisingly i passed, even though i did not study at all.
guess this is a trade-off for getting such a lousy result for my
Understanding the Universe test..
procrastinate no more! act now!!!
saw this on newspaper today, thought it is quite meaning. you should take a look at it: (o^-^o)
realised that september and october are the two months that i blog alot.
i wonder why.