one item off my
urgently-need-to-do list, or rather, it's actually 2 items (nearly), all thanks to my special someone, who rushed all the way down north after his training just because i told him i wanted to see him after one whole week.
爱很简单. 不是吗?an action speaks louder than thousand words.
this is so true..
this statement truly reflects what i am experiencing right now..
This can be a highly productive time for you as long as you can overcome the current pressures. Instead of thinking about tomorrow, stay focused on the here and now, even if you have commitments to keep. Get your chores out of the way early, and then don't miss any opportunity to enjoy yourself.
By Rick Levinebut of course, why will i ever bother to post it in the first place if it is nonsense?
a story
just read this story on zaobao, sadly i couldn't find the softcopy version on their website (it's a comic strip), hence, i will try my best to re-write it to a "word" version.
my dear friend is in love...
feel so happy for her!
i almost forgot!
finally sh uploads the pictures! now i can proudly "
hao-lian" to everyone what i have given him for his birthday which was almost 1 month ago.forgot to take pictures before i gave them to him.

this is the gift i made for him. in case you can't tell what this is, it is something you put on your door knot to beautify your door. and this is a back view of a BOY holding onto a box of chocolate! of course i didn't do this alone, i don't know how to use the sewing machine (& my mum said the one we have is too lousy for me to learn), so she helped me alot. and to thank my great mum for her help, i am buying her a new sewing machine for her birthday this year, she can stop puking blood whenever she sew things from now on! (o^-^o)

this is the card that i made for him, took me whole night. unlike the gift, this card is solely made by me, 100% yuk's effort. i know it's not that fantastic, but come on, i put in A LOT of effort, so don't criticize it, or at least don't let me know you find it
sucks, ok?

this is the interior. by the time i reached here my brain was 50% in coma and 45% half-dead, so yah..
now i will have to start worrying for next year.
why do these happen?
i kept trying to disable right click but to no avail. why?
the exact same command works on other blogs but not this. why?
i can never get all the tutorial slots i want, even after putting in a lot of effort in guessing what others may choose, and i always put the second best choice, but still i can't get. why?
saw on newspaper today: nothing is fair in this world, and that is most probably the fairest thing God has given us.
ate too much, and too fast this morning for breakfast '
cause i thought i was going to be late for tuition, in the end it's postponed to late afternoon and now my gastric is protesting for this sudden extra workload.
tutorial balloting
another thing that really gives me heart attack besides module bidding.
really hate going through this turmoil at the beginning of every semester.
there are thousand and one things for me to worry about in a semester already, why can't the school think of a better system to spare their poor students from getting more headache.
come on, it is only the beginning of a semester and we have to start worrying.
sigh. premature aging of my brain.
scribles III
《一升的眼泪》给了我很多的启发: 我们都是伪君子。
因为我们没有人想做坏人,我们都想别人喜欢我们,认同我们,所以我们conform to the social norms, 成为名副其实的伪君子。
可是如果换做是我们,一定也会是这样的。我们就是这虚伪的世界所生产的产品—— 如假包换的伪君子。
scribles II
have been watching "
goong- princess hours" like crazy lately. trying my very best to complete the drama before school re-open.
i am sorry i am so slow, only watching it now when the sequel is already available in the market and on
youtube. but i didn't have time to watch it when it was aired on channel U, and i only managed to find that kind soul who lent the
dvd to me not long ago.
realised the "crown prince" is actually quite good-looking.
hehe. even though the second male lead is better looking.
i confess: i have a
thing for guys with small eyes. find them very cute.
just look at my dear. *blush*
guys with big, watery eyes are eye candy, definitely. but i find those with small eyes more attractive.
waiting for his new drama,
Mawang. Friday Weekly recommended it.
hope it will be good.
*disclaimer: there is nothing wrong with sh and me. this is just something that came across my mind. this post may reflect my thoughts, but it is not what is happening between us.(o^-^o)
new track added
"konayuki"- another song that is played frequently in "one litre of tears".
think i am kind of addicted to this drama. even though i have completed all 10 episodes
(and i believe i may not have cried one litre of tears, but i have certainty did my part in damaging the environment furthur by using no less than 10 pieces of tissue --> average 1 per episode), i still cannot get enough of it. would really love to watch it again and again. sadly, i still have a lot other drama under my belt and i have to finish watching them before school reopens!
her will and determination to live really touches me.
how i wish i can be just half as strong as her.
and how foolish of me to actually thought of taking my own life when i was faced with setbacks in life when i was younger. even though i did not actually do the act, the thought itself is selfish enough.
we all should be glad that we are alive. the fact that we are breathing, that we can feel our heart beating every second, is already something we can be celebrating about.
when you ever thought of killing yourself, please think of all those who are struggling to survive in this world. they would be happy to exchange their fate with yours.
we are too pampered.