Sunday, 29 April 2007

miss blur queen forever

first of all, exam is finally O.V.E.R!!!!! hahahaha.. was waiting for this day, the day i can finally announce this proudly on my blog, ever since the beginning of April. And now, this is the time! (^-^)

can't believe i am so blur. mistook someone as somebody else, and i can actually have a sensible converstion with that person.. am i really that pro? haha..

actually i am too happy to blog, feels like there is too many other things waiting for me to do, and so i shouldn't be spending my time blogging.

realised my tag is gone. whatever. shall just let it be gone then.

another round of battle is going to start. the battle of setting test papers.

yuk, 加油!\(>o<)/

Saturday, 7 April 2007



小孩子如果有别人的嘉许或认同的话,对学习新东西会特别有兴趣,学得也特别的快。 所以说,人,无论男女老幼,都是需要别人的勉励和鼓舞才能继续奋斗下去的。

Something worth pondering about.