after struggling with my internet, or rather, with this stupid blogger beta, i can finally blog!!
and so i waited for two days..
came online for previous two nights just to find out that the bidding result is postponed to tonight. hopefully there will not be anymore postponement. i have waited long enough.
don't think i can get my finanace module though; the highest bid is 800++ and i have only bidded 300. the number of bidders is almost twice the number of vacancy available.
keeping my fingers crossed.
my trip to ICA
after a very, VERY long while, I, or rather, we, finally got our IC changed and our REP re-stamped.
got up really early (like 8am?) this morning. took us our morning and half of our afternoon to get everything done, all because my mum did hers first (to test) before doing ours.
forgot to bring my passport-sized photo, but luckily it is cheap there, 4 for $5. sadly, people always say 一分钱,一分货, and it is true that if the product is of good quality, then the service is price-dependent? because that is what i experienced today *shake my head in disappointment*.
the lady at the booth there, her attitude is really, REALLY bad. just because I didn’t see the notice on the wall and I have some fringe right above my eyebrow, she humiliated me in front of the crowd, shouted at me for not reading the notice, and asked me to get out of the booth to get my hair done properly.
after taking my photo, she shouted at me, once agin, this time for that few strands of hair right above my eyebrow, said the photo would not be accepted, aka hinting me to go get my hair done really
properly. i ignored her and printed the photo out.
it's accepted, without any problem.
an iron rice bowl does not mean that they can’t be so ill-mannered to people. a gracious society? I think Singapore still has a long, LONG way to go.
the internet is still down, I still can’t log into my blogger beta account. feel so stupid now because I made the switch only a few days back. why did I switch? now it is causing me so many problems. sigh. shan’t be itchy hand again.
wonder how many days it will take for me to upload all these posts.
Second day.. and not counting, hopefully.
exam results & internet
according to van, who quoted the IT technician in her office, internet is down due to the earthquake in taiwan (?). well, at least that gives me something to blame on. because of this stupid earthquake, aka internet, problem, I had to travel all the way to amk central to bid for my modules. (how coincidental these two events actually take place together, at the same time)
exam result is finally out and there goes the nightmare that has been haunting me ever since 02/12/06. It was somewhere around my expectation. (actually I did not have any expectation except to pass, but well..)
the module that had been giving me headache (and a lot of question marks) ever since semester started, I actually did well for it (in my viewpoint); can anyone believe that an accounting major student actually did the worst in accounting-related module?
I am a living example. feel so ashamed of myself. considered the fact that I started my revision for all my modules at the same time (one week before exam); did I take the wrong major?
guess what? another round of nightmare is going to start, in about another week’s time! how exciting!
and this time round, I
still have to struggle with econs.

a pure coincidence, but well..
*sigh*didn't know
milk can actually help to minimise the amount of sugar our body absorb when we take in sweet food. (or maybe it's a known fact, just that i am ignorant?)
this gives me another reason to love
milk. i love you,
Can someone please teach me how to mend a shattered
I don’t mind insensitive people; they just have their self-interest on the top of their lists. Everyone is insensitive to others, we just vary in degrees. Worse are those who refuse to admit their selfishness and carry on their mistakes.
I don’t need insensitive people around me. There are already too many in this world.
Sadly, I am one of them.
But at least, I dare to acknowledged it, I am aware of it.
Unlike some people.
Hence, I am proud of myself.
Losing insensitive friends is better then
losing myself.
From now on, I shall not hesitate to end friendships that are harmful to me, my mental and spiritual well-being. And I am DEAD serious about this. (Hmmm, I should make this my next New Year resolution)
If you are one of those, please,
leave me alone.
Actually, I doubt the usefulness of this post; they can’t even tell that they are insensitive, how would they know I am talking about them? Hence, I would do the screening myself.
Insensitivity, what a
bad word.
*this is the
THIRD time i am typing this post. extremely irritated. why did i change to blogger beta? it is so troublesome!
anyway, i am bored today. felt so restless. promised myself i would be a good girl today and do housework, in the end, i accomplished NOTHING. *give me some applause, please*
is the rest of my holiday going to be like today? i don't want to waste my time rotting at home, yet, i can't find anything constructive to do.
i feel so sorry for myself for not being able to become one of those social escort like char, just because they suddenly implement a lot of new rules, and i mean
A LOT, so much so that i am

a collage of bad badtz-maru!!
so sad my cute bad badtz-maru was being portraited as the bad guy in the hello kitty musical.. he is just naughty, not evil!
stupid producer and script-writer! i will boycott that stupid musical
went to play badminton with liz and her church friends yesterday. they are interesting people; all, and i mean
ALL from NJ.
birds of the same feather flock together. lol.
the price i paid for the two hours of fun i had: arching arms, neck and butt.
(don't ask me why my neck aches when all i played was badminton)
last night was supposed to meet my ex-project group mates, but, unfortunately, i over-slept, so i stayed home and
rot for last evening.
but fear not! for i think i am going to meet them after christmas! *never knew my project group was so bonded*
liz told me yesterday her friend said that it is a tradition for NUS to release exam results on christmas.
this is so thoughtful of the school.
i don't have to worry about my result until 11 days later. but darn! why let me know the exact results date?
hormone! don't get agitated anymore! my face!
NLDS was fun. in our own way.
enjoyed myself in these 4 days 3 nights camp. it was so free & easy.
was disappointed when we have to sleep in smu hostel though. i was prepared to spend 3 nights in hotel 81 and was kind of looking forward to it.
i want my room service!
i want my tv with scv!
i want my toothbrush, toothpaste, towels, shampoo and shower foam!
i want my hot water!
i want my coffee & tea bags!
complexion was already bad before going for the camp. after i came back, it got
worse; all thanks to their stupid food. i can (non-literally) breathe fire now.
just imagine having
mee goreng+ deep- fried chicken wing and
nasi lemak on two consecutive mornings, and none of your other meals is without deep-fried side-dish.
maybe i should, and i most probably would, sign up for logistics next year. i will make sure everyone gets his/her serving of fruits everyday!
and no more
heaty food for all of us!

so fun!! (o^--^o)
gave a lot of my "first-times" to ks & guys today.
went vivo, as usual, nothing special there. had lunch at secret recipe & we left. their award winning lamp stew is really not bad (at least it's filling,last me 'till now). but well, that was my
first time eating lamp, so there is nothing for me to make any comparison.
got too bored in vivo, ended up in suntec k box. my
first time going to karaoke. end up not as bad as i thought. initially we were all very quiet. after some "warm-ups", we started to get high. all of us stood on the sofa and started dancing and screaming into the microphone, singing "
脱脱脱脱!" and "
洗刷刷!洗刷刷!" ph said we were so loud that our voices could be heard from the end of the corridor (or rather, our screaming and shouting)
ph is really queen of k songs man!! she can sing so well!!! Ord~ others are not bad as well! (o^-^o) as for me.. haha.. this is my first-time, so can't expect much from me..
looking forward to our next outing! which is... some 10 days later? lol~
finally. the war is over.
just five days & it is all over.
now, i have one month to worry about the outcome.
this is interesting..
Your Chances of Being a Multimillionaire: 64% |
 You have a good chance of being a multimillionaire. Better than most people. You simply have a natural knack for money and the personality for success. |
seems like i am not cut to be a millionarie..sad case..
You Should Learn Spanish |
 For you, learning a language is about career advancement and communication. Knowing Spanish will bring you tons of possiblities for jobs and travel. Bárbaro! |
spanish?! never thought of that man.. but it sounds interesting though.. maybe can consider for next
Your Blog Should Be Blue |
 Your blog is a peaceful, calming force in the blogosphere. You tend to avoid conflict - you're more likely to share than rant. From your social causes to cute pet photos, your life is a (mostly) open book. |
blue..maybe next time when i renovate my blog..
didn't study for my history paper.. was watching tv all the way 'till 12midnight yesterday.. even though the paper turns out to be totally out of the things we learnt for this module (sounds more like questions for personal opinion and cultural, i hope i did well enough to get my precious "S"..
slacking now..after dinner i'll go back to my books/notes.
i promise!