i can't focus
i am currently facing a very serious crisis; i have problem absorbing.
either there is something wrong with my sponge up "there", that it has lost its ability to absorb (which i suspect is the main reason), or it is that the things are just too boring (i believe that is one of the main reason why my sponge malfunctions).
but i am
extremely tired of reading and doing the same thing day after day.
i wanna be free!!
i can't register anything!
somebody help!
the judgement day is coming!!
i am doomed!!! \(>-<#)/
when will this vicious cycle ever end?
probably 'till the day we die.
defeated..once again..
gosh.. i'm down again.. this is already the
Nth times i am being
defeated ever since the semster starts..
did i become weaker? or my enemy just become stronger and more invincible?
..or maybe.. i am in love
again? ..恋爱的人容易生病..
the question is: with who? lol..
another wasted day. supposed to start my revision, in the end ended up sleeping and watching tv. hey! doesn't this sound like something?
a couch potato.another model died of starvation..*shake head in disbelief*.. skin & bone= beauty?
totally disagree.
i think 80% is already considered as very
VERY light (and to think that my stupid brother is less than 17.5!!), how can she starve herself till 13.5 only? only tomato and apple..this is serious obsession with weight man..
haha..easier said than done; i am, and still will continue to be, one of those
pathetic females who are
forever battling with those extra pounds/fats on our bodies forever raging
wars with those
tiny little stubborn imperfection on our bodies.
Meat-lovers? read this before you want to commit another
unforgivable sin..
We cannot live with peace in our hearts as long as we are filling our bodies with the pain and suffering of other beings."
but i am committing it everyday;
i just can't help it. :p
how can this ever happen?
beloved actually
wound me, right after the day i have enjoyed myself. i thought my beloved would have enjoyed as well, but apparently, the answer is "no".
now, my beloved is taking revenge.
the best of all, after
i'm injured and betrayed, there's
no way for me to let my voice heard.
i'm so upset.
thank you dear for giving me such a good time on sunday.
thank you van & yuan for the surprise yesterday, it was really, extremely unexpected.
thank you rachel for your sms every year without fail; you are always first in the queue.
thank you my brother for remembering even though he was having fun with his friends somewhere in singapore.
thank you ks for your poster. it is really nice. pleasantly surprised.
thank you to all others who had given me such a great day yesterday,
including my history tutor who has given me a B for my crappy, almost out of point assignment.
today is the day of the year again. the day that is repetitive every year without fail.
ever since don't know when, i am numb on this day; no more anticipation for today to arrive; no more excitment or joy when this day finally arrived.
i guess i have finally grown up, and grow tired of this.
but, how can anyone ever get excited about this day when they know their exams are approaching?
last few shots of myself, taken in the last few minutes of 19 years old
so now i can officially declared i am 20 years old.
not too young, not too old. lol.
but, physical celebration = mentally grown up?
something i never fail to ponder on on my birthday ever since... time memorial?
在这最后一分钟,我只想对自己说: 生日快乐。
面具带了太久,想把他们统统都脱下来,让我透一透气,才发现原来的我,早已消失的无影无踪; 魂飞魄散了。
went sentosa with dear today.
great day. great food. great fun. great activity. great weather.
and a great deal of ache. phyically.
happy birthday, takuya!
don't know why, have this urge to blog in chinese suddenly..lol.. it has been more than a year ever since the last time i think in chinese.. kind of miss studying chinese..
today got up so late!!! slept like 11++ hours last night.. feel like dying..
my head hurts.
喜欢过去的东西;vintage; 喜欢传统;喜欢回忆。
几乎每一天都在回想着以前的人,和事。想着以前过去的种种, 就是从来都不会想想今天,或明天。
finally it's over.
don't know where i found my courage from, but no matter what, i told her today would be the last time.
feel so relieved now.
no more worries about not being able to go there on time.
no more "vomiting of blood".
no more stress even when the examination is not mine.
but, i feel quite sad.
free from all these trouble and headache, but along, there goes all the good and the fun time as well.
the times when i felt like a teacher.
the sense of achievement when she really did well for her exam.
the satisfaction when i see their Chinese improve.
but i guess that's life. in order to achieve greater things, we have to give up something.
hopefully i would be able to find an even better tuition after exam/ next year.
lobang, anyone?=)
realised it has been kind of long ever since my last post. well, life has become a routine; i've nothing much to comment on.
*note: not trying to show off, but just like to say that i think i am not a bad tutor after all. before i gave her tuition, her grade for Chinese mid-term was band 3; for her final-year, she scored band 1.
something's gotta give.
untitled 5
i want to an unicorn.
sadly, they're mythical creature. so i can't be one.
then let me become a 打不死的蟑螂!
never give up!